I felt myself up against a wall, and I know you’ve been there too.
The one thing I never did was quit praying for our lives to improve – even when we couldn’t see a solution.
I’m sure you’ve been doing the same thing, which has divinely lead you here to this Rise & Shine sisterhood – no coincidences – its the same way I finally found this purpose & calling to help other busy, faith-minded moms.
It was finally the right combination that brought relief & results into both my husband’s & my life – for good. Lasting, long-term lifestyle change. Changes we want to stick to because it feels right – not wrong – like fad diets or pills can feel.
All WITHOUT having to go to the gym & without spending hours in the kitchen. Why did this work for my stressed-out self AND my anti-diet husband? Because, you CAN burn off ALL the extra belly fat while still enjoying dessert! 😉
Realizing we shouldn’t be doing this alone.
Finally figuring out a sustainable & enjoyable way of eating & exercising.
Making our faith & family our number one priority.
I knew it would be almost sinful to keep a gift like this to ourselves. Plus, truthfully, we could not deny that God was telling us each separately in prayer & throughout the day in songs, books & many other special little “God-winks” that we were being asked to share this.